Sprinkler System Installs
Your dream of a green lawn that is the neighbors envy can be made that much easier to achieve if you have a complete lawn sprinkler system installed. These are easy to use and can save you, as a homeowner, a lot of the backbreaking work that goes in watering a lawn.

Your dream of a green lawn that is the neighbors envy can be made that much easier to achieve if you have a complete lawn sprinkler system installed. These are easy to use and can save you, as a homeowner, a lot of the backbreaking work that goes in watering a lawn.
A lawn sprinkler makes watering of a lawn very convenient, and you do not have to go all around your lawn, with a hose to give your lawn the hydration that it needs to grow well. You can, of course, attach a sprinkler to the hose and move it around, but these portable sprinklers still have to be moved around along with the hose, and an only reduce your time and work to some extent. A sprinkler installation, on the other hand, will not only be concealed, with just the sprinklers popping up at various spots, but will water your entire lawn, without you having to do anything.
There can be many alternative designs available for sprinkler systems, and they can depend on the size of your lawn, the weather in your area, and any regulations that control the use of water for lawns. The most common type of sprinkler is the pop-up type, but you can also opt for drip irrigation and other types of sprinklers.
You can also layout the system in zones, for very large lawns, so that only one zone is watered at a time. You can also install such sprinkler system in flowerbeds and other areas that need watering. Your system can be manual, but this will require you to start the sprinkler system manually. If you have a number of zones, this can take a lot of attention and time.
Sprinkler systems can also be automatic and programmed to work at certain times, even in the middle of the night. You can even reduce your water consumption by having only certain zones watered every day, and others on different days. When you have such systems installed, you can even be sure that your lawn gets watered, even on days when you are not in town.
To get a sprinkler system installed in your garden, first identify the areas that you want with these systems. This can be just your lawn or can also include flower beds and other areas in your landscape. Call in the sprinkler professional you have identified.
Make sure he is one who is experienced, has worked for others in your town, and can offer constant service for the installed system. He will inspect your garden and all the areas that need watering. He will most likely know well the restrictions of using water in your area, and the climate needs that govern the requirement of water for a lawn. He will also be able to tell you the requirement of water for the type of grass that you have, and how you can make optimum use of water to achieve the objective of a well maintained green lawn.
A sprinkler system consists of a properly laid out water lines that have sprinkler heads placed in a pattern that suits the area to be watered. Sprinkler heads can be of the spray or rotary type. The system will have a control panel that can have a timer that tells the system when it is to operate.
Pipes will require to be installed under the ground, but most installers of sprinkler systems have machines and equipment that can complete the required laying of pipes, with minimal damage to the lawn surface. If you have these systems installed before you lay a lawn your sprinkler lines will never be visible.
Most pipelines and sprinkler systems for an average home can be installed in just one day, and you do not have to worry about your lawn not getting its water once this is done. Pipes are laid at different depths, with main lines kept 18 inches below the lawn surface and 12 inches on laterals.
Sprinkler systems also need to have backflow devices installed, to prevent any water from the system going back into the main supply and polluting it. Automatic systems may need wiring and this wiring must be installed in such a way, with markers, so that any future digging in the lawn, will never damage it.
It is important that any installed sprinkler system be properly maintained so that it functions always to its full potential. Pipes and their joints can leak and lead to wastage of water. The sprinkler may not give the right quantity of water and can get choked.
Rotators may not work properly. All these defects can affect your watering effectiveness. It is important that all valves also function well. You can attend to all these problems on your own, or ask installers to maintain the system at regular intervals.

You've got questions
We've got answers!
How can I be assured that I am getting a quality Sprinkler System?
A "quality" Sprinkler System is one that fits your needs and budget. The system will water only targeted areas for a predetermined amount of time and have no water waste, also the quality of workmanship installing the System. That's what you will receive when choosing The Giving Tree for your Sprinkler System needs.
Is there a lot of maintenance owning a Sprinkler System?
No, here in Connecticut the most important would be the Fall Winterization to make sure it dosen't freeze during the winter months, and the Spring Opening to insure proper, water efficient watering.
Which Product will you be using for my Sprinkler System, and which is the best?
We are a preferred HUNTER contractor, but will install any other major brand like Toro, Rainbird, Irritrol, and Netafim tubing that you would Prefer. All major brands offer great products, and we just prefer the HUNTER products. Most times it isn't the product used, its the quality used to install the product!
Will installing a Sprinkler System destroy my yard or flower beds?
NO! We use a state of the art machine called a vibratory plow. It allows for no trenching. The machine just leaves a slit in the ground, and when we are finished with the clean up process you can't tell we were even there.
How long will it take to Install a Sprinkler System?
Usually The Giving Tree can install an average yard in only one day.
How much will a lawn Sprinkler System Cost?
It is very difficult to give an exact price with out meeting you on your property to go over your needs. There is a few things that can affect the cost of a Sprinkler System. Please CONTACT US for a Free Estimate!
What are the advantages of a Automatic Sprinkler System?
When Installed by The Giving Tree, there are many advantages; to list a couple are: A healthier, more beautiful lawn with less time and effort. Freedom from dragging around and cluttering your yard with hoses Even watering of the landscape on a automatic schedule Saves, Time, Money and Effort
Are your lawn care programs expensive?
Our prices are very competitive with some or larger Lawn chemical companies. The pricing is based on sq. footage of the property. Please CONTACT US for a free Estimate.
A Relationship to Grow
We are committed to complete customer satisfaction and dedicated to fostering "A Relationship To Grow"

The Giving Tree Inc. is a family owned and operated company that focuses on complete lawn care.

We started out in 1995 as a small business run out of the family home In Northford, CT

The Giving Tree and it's employees are fully licensed by the state of Connecticut.

Our personalized and professional approach to complete Lawn Sprinklers is what makes us stand out.